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Our Current Funds
Community Funds
The Board of the M&M Area Community Foundation established the following Funds for the benefit of Marinette and Menominee Counties:
- Future Fund Children’s Savings Accounts
- Harm Reduction (Opioid Crisis Fund)
- M&M Area Community Foundation Operating Fund
- Administrative Endowment
Grant Cycle Funds
These funds grant in response to applications submitted by local non-profit organizations during our three grant cycles:
- Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention
- Community Health Care
- Community Wide Impact
- Crivitz Area Giving Fund
- Homelessness Prevention Services
- Peshtigo Area Community Endowment
- Philanthropy
- Twin Counties Emergency Service Providers
- Women’s Giving Circle Restricted Endowment
- Youth Field of Interest
- E.W. & Dorothy Granskog Memorial
Scholarship Funds
We manage the following Funds which provide scholarships:
- James, Dawn & Allen Anderson Scholarship
- 1967 Menominee Basketball State Championship Scholarship
- Robert Beyersdorf Scholarship
- Larry Biehl Family Scholarship
- BJ Stupak Memorial Fund
- Robyn Ryan Brandt Scholarship
- Corey M. Bresnahan Scholarship
- Barbara Perry Campbell Scholarship
- Higher Education Scholarship for Recovering Addicts
- John J. & Virginia M. Bushell Campau Scholarship
- Ruth E. Caylor Scholarship
- Menominee Class of 1957 Scholarship
- Menominee Class of 1957 Vocational/Technical Scholarship
- Lawrence Colassacco Memorial Scholarship
- Crivitz Pharmacy Scholarship
- Jeffrey L. Davis Scholarship
- Elly Demerath Scholarship
- Dickinson Family Scholarship
- Bea Ennis Memorial Music Scholarship
- Carl G. & Lucille Erickson Scholarship
- Erwin & Katherine Fischer Scholarship
- Lester & Anne Fisher Fund
- Ken Hofer Maroon Student-Athlete Scholarship
- Michael & Jamie Glish Music & Arts Scholarship
- Donald F. & Joanne M. Gould Scholarship
- Grace Meyers Memorial Nursing Scholarship
- Orlin & Nancy Herrild Veterinary Medicine Scholarship
- Hugh & Mary Higley Non-Traditional Scholarship
- Otis & Agnes Knuth Scholarship
- Sara Murray Lambrecht Scholarship for Promising Young Women
- James Lange Lauerman Jr. Memorial Scholarship
- Scott & Julie (Bretl) LaFleur Scholarship
- Ann Weichel Maloney Scholarship
- Menominee Rotary Club/Don Estebo Scholarship
- Don & Barbara Neverman Memorial Scholarship
- Thomas G. Mundt Scholarship
- Al & Denise Odette Memorial Scholarship
- George & Emma Raboin Scholarship
- Frances D. Radford & Anne Radford Decker Scholarship
- R.W. Fernstrum & Co. Scholarship
- Sara & Cecelia Bretl Scholarship
- School District of Coleman – George Hansen Scholarship
- Marcia, Kimberly, and Kristine Peters Scholarship
- Mary L. Staudenmaier Community Service Scholarship
- Mary L. Staudenmaier Scholarship
- Max & Katherine Tausheck Scholarship
- E. Thomas/MMACF Award Scholarship
- Thunder Mountain Ranch Scholarship
- Harriet & Edwin Townsend Scholarship
- The Josephine Winkel/Neumeier Scholarship
Other Funds
The following Funds were established at the Community Foundation by individuals, families or organizations for the benefit of nonprofit organizations:
- Bobbi McGuire Memorial
- Crivitz School District
- DAR Boys & Girls Club
- Dina Johnson Meissner Memorial
- Friends of St. Vincent de Paul
- Gail Wright New Teacher Support
- Greater Marinette-Menominee YMCA
- Klar Memorial Spies Public Library
- Lyle “Chummy” McDonald Memorial
- Marine Way Foundation Fund
- Menominee Animal Shelter
- North Central Area Schools
- Carl Lukash Fund for the Peshtigo Police Department
- Peshtigo School District
- Pinecrest Medical Care Facility
- Thomas Aquinas Academy
- The Timmie Riley Fund for Cats, Administered by the M.A.S.
- Wausaukee School District Excellence in Education
Private Funds
The Community Foundation also holds many Funds which are not made public.